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These Are the Rules - Obey Them.


The following rules should be obeyed at all times, unless stated by all alliance leaders.

Your first violation shall result in a verbal warning. Your second violation shall result in demotion. Your third violation shall result in yourself being cast out of the alliance - no matter how high your status. Should you take these actions badly, you will be an enemy of the alliance forever.

General Conduct


You will respect your leaders and alliance-mates at ALL times.


If you need help, advice, or resources, then ask. 


If at anytime to you are unsure of an attack on a player (that is, whether or not you are allowed) ask a ranking member.


You should be improving your castle and outposts at all times.


All players must be active, participate and communicate. If anyone is going to be away for more than 3 days they need to speak up.  This is a game and we understand that you have a real life. Failure to inform may result in being booted.  Messages through the website or the game are considered acceptable forms of communication.


You may disobay the rules - with permission from the leadership.




No repeated attacks on an active player that is already burning.


No group attacks that have not been announced to a general.


No attacking players 10 or more levels below your own level unless it is an approved retaliation.


when you receive a quest to attack a certain player, you should warn that player before you attack them, and send them some resources if you win.



If you need resources, then ask.  If you are asked for resources, and you have some, then share.


Although it is not a requirement to be in the Alliance, we ask that you donate to the Alliance cash box. The funds that go into the cash box better things for the Alliance. i.e. Wagon Speed, Attack speed, etc.




Good communication is key to a strong and supportive alliance. You are expected to communicate with your alliance and use the notice board. Also, please try to respond each time that someone tries to talk to you.


Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated.


You should post on the forum at least once quarterly.



At no time will you attack an alliance that we are in a pact or treaty with without permission of one of the generals. This includes when the Shady Character Quest is available.  


Do not steal outposts or resoruce villages from an active player; only during war or as part of campaign.

In the event that a player is going to Capture your Outpost or attack your Main Castle, and it is arranged to happen by yourself, you are to inform the Alliance that this will be taking place.


You do not need to attack someone everyday, but we would really appreciate it if you could keep your honor above the average honor of the alliance. We also appreciate if you would try to get glory along with honor. We prefer you attack main castles and not outposts. Outpost are cheap shots and you get glory from main castles. Glory and honor will help to improve the alliance.




If someone in your alliance requires support troops, and you are within 50 distance of their castle, you are expected to try to help.  Even a small number of troops can make a difference. When a member of our alliance is attacked, you should defend them, but only retaliate with approval from the generals.

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